Bibliografía sobre comunicación y deporte

Por Dolors Aparicio Granero

ALASZKIEWIZC, R., T. PcPHAIL, (1986), «Television Rights» en International Review of Sociology of Sport, 21 : 215, Munich.

ALCOBA, Antonio, (1980), El Periodismo deportivo en la sociedad moderna, Madrid.

ALCOBA LOPEZ, Antonio, (1987), Deporte y comunicación, Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid.

ALCOBA LOPEZ, Antonio, (1993), Cómo hacer periodismo deportivo, Paraninfo, Madrid.

ALLEN, M., (1990), Sponsoring the arts: new bussines strategies for the 1990’s, The Economic Intelligence Unit, Londres.

ALTABELLA, José, (1987), «Historia de la prensa deportiva madrileña» en VV.AA., Orígenes del deporte madrileño, Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid.

ANDREFF, Wladimir. J.F. NYS, (1987), Le Sport et la télévision. Relations économiques pluralité d’intérêts et sources d’ambiguïtés, Dalloz, París.

ARAGON CANSINO, P., (1991), Técnicas de dirección y marketing para entidades deportivas, Unisport, Málaga.

BARNETT, S., (1990), Games and sets: the changing face os sport on television, British Film Institute, Londres.

BEEZLEY, W.H., (1989), «Radio, the Rise of Sport and the Olympics in the United States», en JACKSON, R., Th.L. MCPHAIL, The Olympic Movement and the Mass Media: Past, Present and Future Issues. Hurford Enterprises, Calgary.

BENKOSKI, H., (1993), «Droit du sport et de ses images télévisuelles», en STAPS, núm. 30, Francia.

BOAVENTURA, J. C., (1989), Desporto e comunicaçäo social. Seminário, Ministerio da Educaçao. Direcçao-General dos Desportos, Lisboa.

BOURG, Jean-François, (1990), «L’information sportive sur un marché monopoliste», en Médiaspouvoirs, núm. 18, París.

BOURG, Jean-François, (1991), «Aspects économiques des relations entre le sport et la télevision», en Médiaspouvoirs, núm. 23, París.

BOURG, Jean-François, (1991), «Le sport et la television: economie des relations», en Revue Juridique et économique du sport, núm. 19, Francia.

BOURG, Jean-François, (1993), «Ordre télévisuel et éthique sportive», en Médiaspouvoirs, núm. 29, París.

BOWICZ, A., (1990), Esponsorización y mecenazgo, Gestion 2000, Barcelona.

BRYANT, Jennings, Paul COMISKI, Dolf. ZILLMAN. (1977) «Drama in Sports Commentary», Journal of Communication, núm. 3, Nueva York.

CALVEZ, François (dir.), (1992), Sport et télévision, actes du colloque de Valence, Centre de Recherche et d’Action Culturelle, Francia.

CANTELON, H., R. GRUNEAU, (1982), Sport, culture and modern State, University of Toronto Press, Toronto.

CANTELON, H., R. GRUNEAU, (1988), «The Productions of sport for television», en J. HARVEY and H. CANTELON (eds.), Not Just a Game, University of Ottawa Press, Ottawa.

CARROGGIO, M., (1994), El Patrocinio: fuente de ingresos para el deporte y modo comunicativo para la empresa, Centre d’Estudis Olímpics i de l’Esport, Bellaterra.

CASHMAN, Richard, Michael McKERNAN, (eds.), (1981), Sport: money, morality and the media, New South Wales University Press, Kensigton.

CAZORLA, L., (1992), Derecho del deporte, Tecnos, Madrid.

CENTRE D’ESTUDIS OLIMPICS, (1991), Olympic Games, media and cultural exchanges: the experience of the last four summer Olympic Games: International symposium, Palau de Pedralbes, Barcelona 3-5 1991, Centre d’Estudis Olímpics i de l’Esport (UAB), Bellaterra.

CENTRO DI STUDI MASS-MEDIOLOGICI, (1990), Frammenti di gloria: la reppresentazione dello sport nei mass media: quarta ricerca delle PGS curata da Promedia, Juvenilla, Torino.

CHANDLER, J.M., (1988), Television and national sport: the United States and Britain, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

CIO, (1984), Symposium International Sport Medias Olympism. Official Report, Comité Internacional Olímpico, Lausana.

CIO, (1990), Guide des Media/ Media guide. Comité Internacional Olímpico, Lausana.

CLEARING HOUSE, (1987), «Parrainage sportif et sport à la télévision» en Boletín de información del Clearing House, núm. 10, Bruselas.

CLEARING HOUSE, (1988), «Sport, sponsoring et communication» en Boletín de información del Clearing House, núm. 12, Bruselas.

COAKLEY, J.J., (1990), Sport in Society, Times Mirror Mosby, St. Louis.

CONSEJO DE EUROPA, (1991), Travaux du Conseil de l’Europe en matière de
sport 1967-1990, Consejo de Europa, Estrasburgo.
COOB’92, (1991), Criterios de patrocinio empresarial en los Juegos de la XXV Olimpíada, Barcelona’92, COOB’92, Barcelona.

CORREDOIRA Y ALFONSO, L., (1991), El Patrocinio. Su régimen jurídico en España y en la Comunidad Europea, Bosch, Barcelona.

DELGADO SOCATELLI, G., (1993), Necesidad social de periodistas deportivos. Su perfil academico-profesional y ético, en XIV Congreso Panamericano de Educacion Física, vol.1, San José, Costa Rica.

DIAZ, Lorenzo, (1992), «La radio deportiva: de Carrusel Deportivo al fenómeno José María García», en La radio en España, 1923-1993, Alianza, Madrid.

DIRECCION GENERAL DE ELECTRÓNICA E INFORMÁTICA, (1986), BIT’92. Planificación de las necesidades informáticas y de telecomunicaciones de los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992, Dirección General de Electrónica e Informática, Madrid.

DRINKWATER, D., (1990), «Sport, spectatorism and the media: a social learning analysis of personality development», en BOND, J. GROSS, J. (ed.) Australian sport psychology: the eighties, Australian Institute of Sport and Australian Sports Commission, Camberra.

EASTMAN, S.T., T.P. MEYER, (1989), «Sports Programming: Scheduling, Costs and Competition», en WENNER, L.A. (ed.) Media, Sport and Society, Sage, Londres.

FAURE, Roland, (1991) Le sport et la télévision: analyse, avis et propositions, Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel, Francia.

FERRER, Clemente, (1991), El Sponsor al habla, Dossat, Madrid.

FULLER, L.K., (1989), «Media acces for women: Athletes, organizers and sport journalist» en JACKSON, R., McPHAIL, Th.L The Olympic Movement and the Mass Media: Past, Present and Future Issues, Hurford Enterprises, Calgary.

GALTUNG, Johan, (1991), «The Sport system as a metaphor for the World system», en LANDRY F., M. LANDRY, M. YERLES (eds.), Sport…the third Millenium, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, Quebec.

GORDON, G., (1993), TV and radio: two powerful tools for sport for all, en XIV Congreso Panamericano de Educación Física, vol. 2, San José, Costa Rica.

GOULD, D., (1992), Superbook of television sports, Barry Gould, York, Maine.

GRUNEAU, Richard, (1989), «Television, The Olympics and The Question of Ideology», en JACKSON, R., McPHAIL, Th.L., The Olympic Movement and the Mass Media: Past, Present and Future Issues, Hurford Enterprises, Calgary.

GRUPE, Ommo, (1991), «The Sport Culture and the Sportization of culture», en LANDRY, Fernand, M. LANDRY, M. YERL+S (eds.), Sport…The Third Millenium, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, Quebec.

GUSFELD, Joseph R. (1987), «Sports as story: Content and Form in a Agonistic Games», en KANG SHIN-PYO, J. MacALOON, R. Da MATTA (eds.), First International Conference on the Olympic and East/West and South/North Cultural Exchanges in the World System, Seul.

GUTTMANN, Allen, (1986), Sports spectators, Columbia University Press, Nueva York.

HAMELINK, Cees J., (1993), «Globalism and National Sovereignty», en NORDENSTRENG, K., H. SCHILLER (eds.), Beyond National Sovereignty: International Communications in the 1990s, Ablex, Norwood, Nueva Jersey.

HARGREAVES, J.E., (1986), Sport, power and culture: a social and historical analysis of popular sports in Britain, Polity Press, Londres.

HEAD, V., (1981), Sucessful sponsorship, Institute of directors, Londres.

HITCHCOCK, J.R., (1991), Sportscasting, Focal Press, Boston.

HOBERMAN, John M., (1986), Sport and political ideology, University of Texas Press, Austin.

HOWELL, D., (1989), Informe Howell, Unisport, Málaga.

IOZZIA, Giovanni. MINERVA, Luciano, (1986), Un matrimonio d’interesse: sport et televisione, RAI, Torino.

IRWIN, W., (1988), The Politics of International sport, Foreing Policy Association, Nueva York.

JACKSON, R., T. McPHAIL, (1987), The Olympic Movement and the Mass Media Past, Present and Future Issues, Hurford Enterprises, Calgary.

JAMES, Francis, Henri de CAMARET, (1990), Téléviser le sport, Les dossiers de Carat T.V., París.

JEFKINS, F., (1991), Advertising, McDonald & Evans, Londres.

JONES, Daniel E., Joan M. CORBELLA, (1989), «Sport et mass-media en Espagne…une vision socio-économique», en IMCOM, núm. 6, Institut Méditerranéen de la Communication, París.

KANG SHIN-PYO, J. MacALOON, R. Da MATTA (eds.), (1987), First International Conference on the Olympic and East/West and South/North Cultural Exchanges in the World System, Seúl.

KATZ, E., M. DAYAND, (1987), «Television Ceremonial Events», en BERGER, A.A. (ed.) Television in Society, Transaction Books, New Brunswick.

KENNARD, J.A., HOFSTETTER, E., (1983), «Sport and television : a bibliography», en Arena review, núm. 7 (2).

KIDANE, FEKROU, (1987), «The Olympic Movement and the Mass Media in the Third World Countries», en JACKSON, R., McPHAIL, Th.L. (1987) The Olympic Movement and the Mass Media : Past, Present and Future Issues, Hurford Enterprises, Calgary.

KIM Choong Soon, (1987), «The Olympic Games as a Force of cultural Exchange and change», en KANG SHIN-PYO, J. MacALOON, R. Da MATTA (eds.), First International Conference on the Olympic and East/West and South/North Cultural Exchanges in the World System, Seul.

KLATELL, David A., Norman MARCUS, (1988), Sports for sale: television, money and the fans, Oxford University Press, Nueva York.

KLATELL, D., N. MARCUS, (1993), «Journalism and the bottom line», en EITZEN, D.S. (ed.), Sport in contemporary society: an anthology. St. Martin’s Press, Nueva York.

LANDABEREA UNZUETA, J.A., (1992), El Contrato de esponsorización deportiva, Aranzadi, Pamplona.

LANDRY, Fernand, M. LANDRY, M. YERLES (eds.), (1991), Sport, The Third Millennium, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, Quebec.

LARSON, James F. PARK, Heung-Soo, (1993), Global television and the politics of the Seoul olympics, Westwiew press, Boulder.

LARSON, J., RIVENBURG, N., (1991), «A comparative Analysis of Australian, U.S., and British Telecast of the Seoul Olympic Opening Ceremony», en Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, vol. 35, núm. 35, Washington.

LEVER, Janet, Stanton Wheeler, (1993), «Mass media and the Experience of sport», en Communication Research, vol.20, núm. 1, Sage, Newsbury Park.

MacALOON, J., (1984), Rite, Drama, Festival, Spectacle: Rehearsals toward a theory of Cultural Performance, Institute for the Study of Human Issues, Filadelfia.

MaCALOON, John J., (1991), «The Turn of Two Centuries: Sport and the Politics of Intercultural Relations», en LANDRY, Fernand, M. LANDRY, M. YERL+S (eds.), Sport…The Third Millenium, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, Quebec.

McGREGOR, Edward, (1989), «Mass media and sport: influences on the public», en The Physical Educator. Vol. 46, núm.1, USA.

MAIRET, François, (1990), La Télévision américaine-médias, marketing et publicité, Economica, París.

MARCHAND, J., (1989), La presse sportive, Centre de Formation et de Perfectionement des Journalistes, París.

MARLES, V., (1984), The Public and sport, BBC Broadcast Research Findings, Londres.

MINQUET, Jean-Paul (co.), (1992), «Le Marketing du sport», en Revue Française du Marketing. nº 138, Adetem, París.

MORAGAS SPA, Miquel de, (1992), Los Juegos de la Comunicación: las múltiples dimensiones comunicativas de los Juegos Olímpicos, Fundesco, Madrid.

MORAGAS SPA, Miquel de, (1992), Cultura, símbols i Jocs Olímpics: la mediació de la comunicació, Centre d’Investigació de la Comunicació, Barcelona.

MORAGAS SPA, Miquel de, Marc CARROGGIO, (1994), Models de patrocini esportiu, Centre d’Estudis Olímpics i de l’Esport (UAB), Barcelona.

MORAGAS SPA, Miquel de, Nancy K. RIVENBURGH, and James LARSON, (1994), Global Television and the Olympics: The Experience of Barcelona 1992. A 28-nation comparative study (en prensa).

MORGAN, B.J. BESSETTE, P., (1992), Sports fan’s connection. An all sports in one directory to professional, collegiate, and Olympic organizations, events, and information sources, Gale Research, Detroit.

NLEY, T., S. GRAYSON, (1984), Sponsorship of sports, Arts and Leisure: law, tax and bussines relationships, Sweet & Maxwell, Londres.

NYS, Jean François, (1988), Une vision économique des relations entre le sport et la télévision, en Sport, radio et télévision, Radio-télévision Belge, Bélgica

NYS, J.F., (1989), «Le sport et les medias», en Andreff, W. (ed.) Economie politique du sport, Dalloz, París.

ORIARD, M., (1993), Reading football: how the popular press created an American spectacle, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.

PERELMAN, Richard B., (1984), Report: press radio-television operations at he games of the XXIIIrd. olympiad, Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, Los Angeles.

PLAT-PELLEGRINI, V., A. CORNEC, (1987), Sponsoring, le parrainage publicitaire, Delmas et Cie., París.

PLIMPTON, G., (1992), The official Olympics triplecast viewer’s guide. (1992 Barcelona commemorative ed.), Pindar Press, Nueva York.

POULOS, J., (1992), Broadcasting and media rights: choosing your sponsor, what risks does it and could it bring?, en Sport and the law, happy partnership or forced marriage, 2-4 july, ANZSLA, Sydney.

POWERS, Ron, (1984), Supertube: The Rise of Television Sports, Coward McCann, USA.

PRISUTA, Robert H., (1977), «Televised Sports and Political Values», en Journal of Communications, Nueva York.

RADER, Benjamin G., (1984), In its own image: how television has transformed sports, The Free press, Nueva York.

RAMONET, Ignacio, (1993), Sport et télévision, Revue éducation physique et sportive, núm. 239. Francia.

REAL, M. (ed.), (1986), Global Ritual: Olympic Media Coverage and International Understanding, UNESCO, París.

REAL, M., (1989), Super Media : A Cultural Sudies Approach, Sage, Londres.

RIVENBURGH, Nancy k., (1992), «National Images Richness in US-Televised Converage of South Korea During the 1988 Olympics», en Asian Journal of Communication, núm. 2, Singapur.

RIVENBURGH, Nancy K., (1993), «Images of Nations During the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Opening Ceremony» en Olympic Congress, Media Ad Hoc Committee for the International Olympic Committee, Lausanne.

ROTHENBUHLER, E, W., (1988),»The Living Room Celebration of the Olympic Games», en Journal of Communications, vol. 38, núm.4, Nueva York.

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SLEIGHT, Steve, (1992), Patrocinadores: un nuevo y eficaz sistema de marketing, McGraw-Hill, Madrid.

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THOMAS, Raymond, (1993), Le sport et les médias, Vigot, París.

TOMLINSON, A., (1987), Five Ring Circus: Money, Power and Politics at the Olympic Games, Pluto, Londres.

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Dolors Aparicio Granero


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